【電子版初配信☆カラーページ収録☆描き下ろしおまけ付き】歩いているだけで次々とトラブルに巻き込まれる稀有な体質の男子高校生・木佐貫 慎(きさぬき しん)。吹っ掛けられたケンカに応戦する毎日を送っている彼に、とんでもないアクシデントが襲い掛かる!?高校生の身空で莫大な額の借金を背負うことになってしなまった彼の前に現れたのは、今をときめくスーパーモデル・高見右近(たかみ うこん)だった!右近は借金を肩代わりする代わりに、慎にボディガードをしてほしいと頼むが…!?
[First distribution of the electronic version ☆ Contains color pages ☆ Comes with a newly drawn bonus] Shin Kisanuki, a high school boy with a rare constitution who gets into trouble one after another just by walking. He spends his days fighting back in fights, but a terrible accident befalls him! ? As a high school student, he is overwhelmed with debt, and the person who appears in front of him is the exciting supermodel, Ukon Takami! In exchange for taking over the debt, Ukon asks Shin to be his bodyguard, but…! ?
This is a luxurious book that includes 6 pages of newly drawn bonus manga ☆