好きで好きで仕方なくても、抱けない愛がある──。バリバリのゲイ・ゴウ&ガチガチのヘテロ・タキ、最強コンビの裏稼業は麻薬の横取り屋!! この関係、どこまで行けば危険地帯(イエローライン)を越えられる…? 人気沸騰ハードボイルドラブ、ほのぼの描き下ろしも有り!!
Even if you love someone and can’t help it, there is a kind of love that you can’t have. The secret business of the strongest duo, gay Gou and stiff hetero Taki, is to steal drugs! ! How far can this relationship go beyond the danger zone (yellow line)…? Popular hard-boiled love, heartwarming new illustrations also available! !