N国外務省にある国際情報統括官組織は、諜報活動を主に行う特殊情報収集組織である。その諜報活動の中には「色仕掛け任務」もあり、入省した男性分析官は「男役」と「女役」に分類され、二人一組の「バディ」となり、なんと極秘に夜な夜な特訓をしているのである!! 主任分析官である針生篤の「バディ」は同期の美貌の麗人・戸堂眞御だが、初めての特訓の時、あまりの戸堂の愛らしさに針生は暴走してしまい、それから二人の仲はぎくしゃくしているのだが――!?
The International Intelligence Directorate, located within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is a special intelligence gathering organization that primarily conducts intelligence activities. Some of these intelligence activities include “cooking missions,” and male analysts who join the ministry are classified into “male roles” and “female roles,” and they work in pairs as “buddies,” and secretly undergo special training night after night. Atsushi Haruu, the chief analyst, has his “buddy” with the beautiful beauty Todo Manami, who is from the same class, but during his first special training, Haruu goes out of control due to Todo’s adorableness. Since then, the relationship between the two has been strained…!?