新年度を迎えた鈴蘭高校を舞台に、空席となった頂点の座を狙って、次々と名乗りを上げる野心的な新3年生たち!! そこに颯爽と現れたのは……!? 大ヒット映画を最強コミカライズ!! (C)2014 高橋ヒロシ/「クローズEXPLODE」製作委員会
Set in Suzuran High School, where the new school year has begun, ambitious new third-year students are putting their names forward one after another, aiming for the vacant top spot!! Who dashingly appears there…!? A big hit! The strongest comic version of the movie!! (C)2014 Hiroshi Takahashi/“Crows EXPLODE” Production Committee