少年野球チームのない町に育った石浜ブンゴは買い与えてもらったボールをブロック塀に投げ込む毎日。そんな「壁当て」に心血を注ぐブンゴのもとに、少年野球日本代表の野田ユキオが現れて、二人は予期せぬ対決へ…!! のちに中学校で邂逅した二人は、揃って超強豪「静央シニア」へ入団する──!! 甲子園のための甲子園を超える死闘、中学野球で、少年達の情熱が乱れ弾ける──!!
Bungo Ishihama, who grew up in a town without a youth baseball team, spends his days throwing the balls he was given into blocks. Just as Bungo pours his heart and soul into hitting the wall, Yukio Noda, a member of Japan’s youth baseball team, appears and the two engage in an unexpected confrontation…!! Later, the two meet at junior high school and are both super Joining the powerful “Shizuo Seniors” –!! The boys’ passion explodes in junior high school baseball, a deadly battle for Koshien that goes beyond Koshien –!!