永きに亘る探求の旅がついに終わりを迎える…。世界的ワイン評論家・神咲豊多香(かんざき・ゆたか)の遺した言葉が〈天上のワイン・神の雫〉に至る道標となる! ワインの武者修行を経て成長を遂げた雫が料理とワインの『マリアージュ』に挑む。そして『神の雫』を巡る遠峰との最終戦がついに始まる!
The long journey of exploration has finally come to an end… The words left behind by world-famous wine critic Yutaka Kanzaki will serve as a guidepost to “Heavenly Wine, God’s Drops”! Shizuku, who has grown through her training as a wine warrior, takes on the challenge of “marriage” her cooking and wine. And the final battle with Tomine over the “Shizuku of God” finally begins!