1秒でも寝ていたいがために近所の名門校に入学した鈴木ハナは、ある日の登校中に黒塗りの高級車にぶつかって……。――え~っ!! 男子ホッケー部に女子が入部!? このマンガは、努力も根性もゼロの、温泉グルメ旅行部(たまにホッケー部)の物語。イイ男、よりどりみどりです。
Hana Suzuki enrolled in a prestigious school in her neighborhood because she wanted to sleep for even one second, but one day on her way to school, she was hit by a black luxury car… –Eh!! A girl joins the men’s hockey club!? This manga is the story of a hot spring gourmet travel club (sometimes a hockey club) with zero effort or guts. I’m a nice guy, Midori Yoridori.