大石紺(おおいし・こん)、28歳の大転機! 同じ会社のバツイチ・辺見君と付き合う紺ちゃん。恋も仕事も趣味も、全てが順調だったはずなのに・・・。 「私は自分がけっこう意地っぱりだったという事を、今日知った。」マイペースに前向きで進んでいく、紺ちゃんの未来はどうなるの!?問題多発の恋を描く、Q太の「幸せ探求シリーズ」
Kon Oishi’s big turning point at the age of 28! Kon-chan is dating Henmi-kun, who is divorced from the same company. Love, work, hobbies, everything should have been going well… “I learned today that I was quite stubborn.” What will happen to Kon-chan’s future as she moves forward at her own pace? ? Qita’s “Happiness Quest Series” depicts a love story with many problems.