これまでの医療漫画・ドラマを完全否定する、前代未聞のドクター物語が開幕–!! がん手術と抗がん剤は寿命を縮める!? 長期入院で人格が豹変するせん妄の恐怖とは!? がん手術に付きもののリンパ節郭清に意味はない!? ・・・・・・等々、内容は盛りだくさん。 ぜひご一読を!!
では、あるべきがん治療とは何か–? 一見過激に見えるタイトルのこの作品を通して、その答えを探していきます。そして、この作品を通して、がん治療を始めとするこの国の”医療のあり方”について、読者の皆様と共に考えて行きたいと思っています。
Super Doctor, don’t be fooled by God’s hands!!
Hayato Shindo, an associate professor at Keio University School of Medicine, is a talented surgeon known as the “Hand of God” in the world of esophageal cancer. With the support of his father, Genichiro, the president of the Tokyo Medical Association, he was in a position to become the youngest professor in Keio University’s history. However, Shingo Kurusu, the dull “perpetual lecturer”, stands in front of Hayato. Kurusu says. “You are the god of death who drives patients to death…” He then provokes her by saying, “There’s no point in your surgery, so why don’t you just operate on me?” An anxious Hayato stakes his pride on being a “hand of God” and confronts Kurusu, who denies cancer surgery, but…!?
An unprecedented doctor’s story that completely refutes conventional medical manga and dramas begins!? Cancer surgery and anticancer drugs shorten lifespan!? What is the fear of delirium, where a person’s personality suddenly changes after being hospitalized for a long period of time? Is there any point in lymph node dissection, which is a part of cancer surgery? There is a lot of content, such as… Please read it!!
[Recommended information from the editor]
Fully supervised by Makoto Kondo, a maverick in the medical world who overturned the conventional wisdom of Japanese medical care with “Patients, Don’t Fight Cancer” and continues to provoke the Japanese medical community and the public through his numerous books and statements!
Many super doctors and god hand surgeons appear in TV dramas and documentaries. Of course, they aren’t perfect. However, patients and their families cling to them and worship them like gods. In many cases, the quality of life deteriorates due to extra surgeries and excessive anti-cancer treatment, resulting in premature death. Even so, those around her are convinced that “that doctor didn’t work either…” and do not question the doctor.
So, what is the ideal cancer treatment? Through this work with a seemingly radical title, we will search for the answer. Through this work, I would like to think together with readers about the state of medical care in this country, including cancer treatment.