島耕作は大手電機メーカー・初芝電産に勤めるサラリーマン。出世に不利だとは知りながら、社内の派閥には属さず、誠実に仕事をこなしていた。確実に実績を伸ばしていった島は、若くして課長に昇進。その後も順調に会社へ貢献していく。これはそんな島の新人時代のエピソードだ! 無事研修を終え、第一希望の宣伝広告部門に配属された島。激動の時代、理想と現実の間でもがきながらも彼は着実に成長していた。
Kosaku Shima is a salaryman who works for Hatsushiba Electric, a major electronics manufacturer. Although he knew that it would be detrimental to his career advancement, he did not belong to any clique within the company and carried out his work with integrity. Shima steadily improved his performance and was promoted to section manager at a young age. He continued to contribute steadily to the company. This is an episode from Shima’s rookie days! After successfully completing his training, Shima was assigned to his first choice, the advertising department. During these turbulent times, he steadily grew while struggling between ideals and reality.