蝦夷地に住んでいた源義経は、兄・頼朝から追われていた。船に乗り込んで逃げようとしたが、その船は難破、着いた先はだだっ広い大陸。彼は復讐に囚われた人生を捨て、新たに生きることを決意した。裸一貫! 土地、人種、しがらみ。義経はすべてを飛び越え、曲者だらけのユーラシア大陸を駆け廻る! そして人類史最大の支配者になることができるのか!?
Minamoto no Yoshitsune, who lived in Ezochi, was chased by his older brother Yoritomo. He tried to escape by boarding a ship, but the ship was wrecked and he arrived on a vast continent. He decided to abandon his life of revenge and start a new life. Consistently naked! Land, race, and ties. Yoshitsune surpasses everything and runs around the Eurasian continent full of crooks! Will he be able to become the greatest ruler in human history?