車谷 空、15歳。身長は149cmと低めだけど、バスケが大好き! 入学したばかりの高校でもバスケ部に入部しようと張り切るものの、そこにいたのは学校をしきる凶悪な双子とその仲間達!? こんな部で、空はバスケを続けることができるのか? そして、小柄な空が魅せる大きな翼とは!?
Sora Kurumatani, 15 years old. Although he is short at 149cm, he loves basketball! She is eager to join the basketball team at the high school she just entered, but what she finds there are the evil twins who run the school and their friends! ? Can Sora continue playing basketball in a club like this? And what are the big wings that charm the petite sky? ?
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