スカウト会社“バースト”の見習い社員となった白鳥(しらとり)タツヒコ、19歳。街角でギャルに声かけて、お水のシゴトを斡旋(あっせん)し、紹介料でメシを食う。そんな歌舞伎町ディープビジネスの世界に飛び込んだ彼を待っていたのは、何よりもカネがモノをいう弱肉強食の掟だった……!! 日本最大の繁華街の雑踏に立ち、覗き込んだ裏社会のリアル。歌舞伎町のスカウトほどサイテーで最高な商売はない!!
Tatsuhiko Shiratori, 19 years old, became an apprentice employee at the scouting company “Burst”. She approaches gals on street corners, arranges jobs for them, and makes a living off the introduction fees. What awaited him when he jumped into the world of deep business in Kabukicho was the law of the fittest, where money is king above all else…!! Standing in the crowds of Japan’s largest downtown area, he peered into the underworld. Real. There is no better business than scouting in Kabukicho!