如月麻琴、15歳。特技は被害妄想!? 有名モデルのお姉ちゃんと比べられてかな~り立派に育った日陰者根性。高校からはかわいくなろうと努力するけどなかなか上手くいかなくて…。そんな時クラスの人気者の入谷くんと出会って…? 麻琴の青春と戦い(!?)の高校生活スタート☆
Makoto Kisaragi, 15 years old. Her special skill is paranoia!? She has a shady personality and grew up to be a very respectable girl, being compared to her older sister who is a famous model. In high school, she tries to become more cute, but it doesn’t go well… Then she meets Iriya-kun, a popular boy in her class…? Makoto’s youth and struggles (!?) in high school begin☆