狂気の科学者・ノヴァとの戦いで意識を失ったサイボーグ少女・ガリィ。目覚めるとそこは空中都市ザレムだった。しかしテクノロジーの楽園だと思われていたザレムは荒廃し、死と暴力が充満する地獄と化していた。親友ルウを助け出すため、ガリィはザレムの中を彷徨うのだが……。日本が世界に誇るSF叙事『銃夢』、新たな戦いが今始まる!! 『銃夢』に連なる木城世界の原点、傑作初期短編『飛人(ひと)』も同時収録!!
A cyborg girl named Gally loses consciousness in a battle with the mad scientist Nova. When she wakes up, she finds herself in the floating city of Zalem. However, Zalem, which was once thought to be a technological paradise, has fallen into ruin and become a hell filled with death and violence. In order to rescue her best friend, Ruu, Gally wanders through Zalem, but… A new battle begins in “Battle Angel Alita,” a world-renowned sci-fi epic that Japan can be proud of!! Also included is the excellent early short story “Flying Man,” the origin of the Kishiro world that is connected to “Battle Angel Alita”!!