多重債務に不倫精算、etc.――みんなの知りたい「法律」が、ここにある。スカッと一発、第2章!! ついに補助者から行政書士にステップアップして、初めての依頼にはりきる田村(たむら)。だが……出会ったのは百戦錬磨のオンナ行政書士・住吉美寿々(すみよし・みすず)だった! 浮世のカバチを一刀両断、法を駆使した行政書士バトル! 《タレ》をひかえて《特上》に!!!!
Multiple debts, infidelity settlements, etc. — the “laws” that everyone wants to know about are here. A refreshing second chapter!! Tamura has finally stepped up from assistant to administrative scrivener, and is excited about his first request. However… he meets Sumiyoshi Misuzu, a female administrative scrivener with many years of experience! Cutting through the world’s obstacles with one stroke, the administrative scrivener battle makes full use of the law! Less “sauce” and more “extraordinary”!!!!