《前作『あそびあい』が「このマンガがすごい! 2015[オトコ編](宝島社)」にランクインした注目作家が、「女の浮気心」を生々しく描き出した最新作!!》 平ワコ31歳、彼氏と同棲中。そんな中「運命の出会い」が…!? 結婚はしてくれそうなマンネリ彼氏か、トキメキが止まらない超タイプ(でも高校生…)か。今さら一人になる勇気もない”適齢期オンナ”は、どの恋を選べば幸せをつかめるのか!?
“The latest work by a notable author whose previous work, “Asobiai,” was ranked in “This Manga is Amazing! 2015 [Men’s Edition] (Takarajimasha)” vividly depicts “a woman’s desire to cheat”!!” Wako Hira, 31, is living with her boyfriend. Meanwhile, she has a “fateful encounter”…!? Will she choose a stale boyfriend who seems likely to marry her, or the type that makes her heart flutter (but he’s in high school…)? This “marriage-age woman” doesn’t have the courage to be alone anymore, so which love should she choose to find happiness?