Rei Kiriyama is a boy who lives alone in Rokugatsu-cho, a riverside town in Tokyo’s downtown area. He lost his family in an accident when he was young, and was taken in as an apprentice by his father’s friend, a professional shogi player. To survive, he devoted himself to shogi and became the fifth professional shogi player in history to play shogi while still in middle school. He could not deny his sister-in-law’s words, “You have no home,” “no family,” “you don’t go to school,” “you don’t have friends,” and “there is no place for you anywhere in this world,” and so he aspired to become a professional in order to find a place for himself. Having grown up in someone else’s house, he likens himself to a cuckoo chick and avoids contact with people as much as possible, harboring a deep loneliness in his heart.
At the age of 17, Rei Kiriyama is attending high school a year late and working as a professional shogi player. By interacting with three sisters from March Town, including Akari Kawamoto, whom he happens to meet, Rei slowly melts away his loneliness.