Françoise Balzac, commonly known as Fade (Fashion Fade), is a 16-year-old French girl who grew up in southern Sudan, Africa. She grew up in the land, and is innocent and healthy. She had made a promise to marry Ruuru, but her father, wanting her to have a healthy relationship, sent her to France.
Her uncle in Paris, where she was staying, forced her to make her debut in high society as the only heir to the Balzac family, and she met the famous designer Madame Fleur and her adopted son Euphorve. Madame Fleur was a powerful figure in the French fashion industry, and had a mysterious designer named Abeille under her control.
Fascinated by Madame Fleur’s clothes, Euphorve encouraged Fade to make her own clothes. After that, Fade left her uncle’s house and took refuge in the rundown boutique Blanche with Tanaka Nissho, an aspiring artist whom she met at the airport. Arthur, the designer of the store, lives a rough life, but when he sees Fade’s design drawings, he senses her natural talent.
Arthur decides to use Fade to get revenge. Unaware of this plot, Fade takes his first steps as a fashion designer.