In the year 20YX, the destroyer Shiranui was on a mission to research the Arctic Ocean, where the ice was melting. At the same time, the Argentinean oceanographic research vessel Diosa discovered a sonar-like device in the sea and pulled it up. Immediately afterwards, it detected a torpedo approaching the Diosa about 15 kilometers away. Anita Stanley, the captain of the Diosa, sent out a distress signal and steered the ship toward the crack in the sea ice. Kaoru Kaburagi, the captain of the Shiranui, who received the distress signal, reported to Yokosuka Command that the Diosa was under attack. The fleet commander’s reply was, “Combat actions are not permitted under any circumstances” and “Do not get involved in the situation.” Thanks to the sea ice, the Diosa avoided a direct hit, but its engine was damaged and it was unable to move. Then, the Shiranui detected a second wave of torpedoes approaching. Kaburagi, against orders from headquarters, moves the Shiranui at maximum speed and weaves between the torpedoes and the Diosa. Then, in accordance with Article 95 of the Self-Defense Forces Law, “Use of weapons for the protection of weapons, etc.”, he fires his ship’s torpedoes at the approaching torpedoes and successfully intercepts them. Upon receiving the report of the Shiranui’s use of weapons, the Prime Minister of Japan gathers the relevant parties at the Crisis Management Center in the Prime Minister’s Official Residence. Ryuta Akitsu, commander of the 5th Escort Flotilla, and Toshiya Niinami, captain of the 5th Escort Flotilla flagship Ibuki, are also hastily summoned to the meeting and participate in the countermeasures meeting. With the world paying attention to the movements of the Shiranui, Kaburagi advises headquarters to tow the Diosa and hand it over to a relief ship.