[Comic Set] オリエント Orient 2 สิงห์ พลิกตำนานพิฆาตอสูร จากผู้เขียน MAGI 1-12 (of 19)
『マギ』の大高忍、最新作! 時は戦国、鬼が覇権を握る時代──。二人の少年、武蔵と小次郎が目指すのは、「最強の武士団」! 夢は「天下統一」! 勝ち獲れ、世界のど真ん中! 誰も見たことがないジャパニーズ・ファンタジー、開幕!
時は戦国時代――。突如飛来した「鬼神」により、日ノ本は一変。名だたる戦国大名は討ち死にし、「鬼神」が人間を支配する世界となった。「鬼神」が神と崇められるこの世界で、自由を求めて戦う武士団と呼ばれる集団がいた。武士団に憧れる二人の少年が人間の世を取り戻すべく立ち上がった! 夢は「最強の武士団」! 戦国バトルファンタジー、開幕!!
Shinobu Otaka’s latest work from “Magi”! Time is Sengoku, an era where demons hold supremacy. Two boys, Musashi and Kojiro, aim to become the “strongest samurai group”! Their dream is to “unify the country”! Win and conquer, right in the middle of the world! A Japanese fantasy like no one has ever seen begins!
The time is the Warring States period. Hinomoto is completely changed by the sudden arrival of the Demon God. Famous feudal lords from the Sengoku period died in battle, and the world became one where demon gods ruled over humans. In this world where demons are worshiped as gods, there was a group called the Samurai group who fought for freedom. Two boys who admire the samurai group stand up to restore the human world! Their dream is to become the “strongest samurai group”! The Sengoku battle fantasy begins!!