刺青から発せられる猛烈な獰猛。五体にまとう強烈な闘争心と覇気。不良達は恐れと憧れをこめて呼ぶ。「日本不良界最強の男」と。 「クローズ」で圧倒的な強さを見せつけた男「九頭神竜男」の誕生秘話。
A ferocious ferocity emanates from the tattoo. An intense fighting spirit and ambition that surrounds all five bodies. The delinquents call out to him with fear and admiration. “The strongest man in Japan’s delinquent world.” The secret story of the birth of “Ryuo Kuzujin,” the man who showed off his overwhelming strength in “Crows.”