彼は「民俗学2」を担当するイケメン准教授・高槻彰良に気に入られ、高槻先生の「常識担当」として怪異収集を手伝う「アルバイト」をすることに――?「怪異は、現象と解釈によって成り立つんだよ、深町くん」 凸凹コンビが軽快に謎を解く!
A folklore mystery about an associate professor who loves mysterious incidents and a college student who can tell a lie.
Naoya Fukamachi, a university student who has ears that can tell when people are lying, has become lonely because of it.
He is liked by Akira Takatsuki, a handsome associate professor who is in charge of “Folklore 2,” and decides to work part-time as Professor Takatsuki’s “common sense” person, helping him collect strange things. It’ll work out, Fukamachi-kun.” The uneven duo effortlessly solves the mystery!