古来から妖討伐を行ってきた家系の末裔・天河優人はごく普通の高校生。だが、16歳の誕生日を迎えた時、幼い頃より彼を護って来たお守りの効力が切れてしまう。同時に現れた刀を持った美少女。彼女こそ優人を妖から守るために現れた化け猫だった!! 優人のことを若殿と慕い、迫ってくる猫妖怪・ひまり! フェロモン全開の彼女のアピールに嬉し恥ずかしい展開続出!! でも、優人は重度の猫アレルギーのため、ひまりに迫られると涙と鼻水が止まらなくなって!? 美少女猫剣士が繰り広げる、フェロモン系ラブコメドタバタ活劇開幕!
Yuto Amagawa, a descendant of a family that has been suppressing demons since ancient times, is an ordinary high school student. However, when he reaches his 16th birthday, the amulet that has protected him since childhood wears off. She was a beautiful girl with a sword who appeared at the same time. She was the monster cat that appeared to protect Yuuto from demons!! Himari, the cat monster who admires Yuuto as Wakadono, approaches Yuuto! A series of happy and embarrassing developments unfold as she shows off her pheromones! However, Yuuto has a severe allergy to cats, so when Himari presses him, he can’t stop crying and having a runny nose!? A pheromone romantic comedy about a beautiful cat swordsman! The slapstick action drama begins!