チバ県からグンマ県に引っ越すこととなった神月。引っ越し先への移動中にネットでグンマを調べてみると、そこに現れたのは恐るべき内容ばかり! 「地球上唯一残された秘境」「とりあえず一番いい装備で行け」等々。一体グンマとはどんな地なのか? 彼の身に何が降りかかろうとしているのか? グンマ在住の作者が圧倒的熱量で描き出す知られざる「グンマの真実」。全国区で話題集中! 100万PVを突破した今一番話題のWEB漫画がついに刊行!!
Kanzuki has decided to move from Chiba Prefecture to Gunma Prefecture. When she looked up Gunma on the internet while she was moving to her new place, all that appeared was horrifying information! “The only unexplored region left on earth” “Go with the best equipment for now”, etc. What kind of place is Gunma? What is about to happen to him? The unknown “truth of Gunma” is depicted with overwhelming passion by the author who lives in Gunma. A hot topic all over the country! The most talked about web manga that has surpassed 1 million PV is finally published!!