美少年の正しい「飼い方」、教えます! ――高学歴・高収入・高身長(170cm!)の才色兼備なバリキャリだけど、恋にはとっても不器用なスミレ。「人生楽勝!」のはずなのに、左遷(させん)されるわ、婚約破棄だわ、トラブルだらけ。そんなスミレが「癒(いや)し」のために始めたことは、美少年ダンサーのモモを“飼う”ことで……!? 講談社漫画賞受賞、超・ヒットラブコメディ!
I will teach you the correct way to raise a beautiful boy! — Sumire is highly educated, has a high income, is tall (170cm!), and is talented and talented, but is extremely clumsy when it comes to love. Life is supposed to be easy, but I get demoted, my engagement is called off, and I’m full of trouble. In order to heal, Sumire decides to take care of Momo, a beautiful young dancer…!? A super hit love comedy that won the Kodansha Manga Award!