美術大学を卒業したものの、超就職氷河期のせいで父親と同じ会社に就職することになったアキコ。そんな彼女の父親とは、会社で菓子パンをむさぼり、他人(主にアキコ)の話を聞かず、分かりづらい逆鱗をいくつも持つ、先の読めない男・林健一(はやしけんいち)50歳。彼の伝説とアキコの苦悩の日々は、まだ始まったばかり――。父親が普通!?じゃない!! この物語は、破天荒な父親を中心に娘がぐるんぐるん振り回されてしまう、愉快、痛快、限界コメディーです。
Akiko graduated from an art university, but due to the super-employment ice age, she ended up getting a job at the same company as her father. Her father is 50-year-old Kenichi Hayashi, an unpredictable man who devours pastries at work, doesn’t listen to others (mainly Akiko), and has many difficult-to-understand resentments. His legend and Akiko’s days of suffering have only just begun. Is her father normal? He’s not!! This story is a funny, thrilling, and borderline comedy in which a daughter is thrown around by her unconventional father.