ヒトミ先生は…優しい瞳と巨乳が魅力のモノアイ養護教諭。性別不明の助手・樹くんとふたり、いつでも温かく迎えてくれます。そんなヒトミ先生の保健室にやってくるのは…心と身体に悩みを抱えた生徒たち。長舌系女子にゾンビ系女子、巨躯系女子&短躯系女子に透明系女子…。ヒトミ先生の大きな瞳が、彼女たちの「人と違う」苦しみを救います!! COMICリュウがお届けする禁断の新ジャンル、早くも話題沸騰中!
Hitomi-sensei is a one-eyed school nurse with kind eyes and large breasts. She and her gender-indeterminate assistant, Itsuki-kun, always welcome you warmly. The students who come to Hitomi-sensei’s infirmary are those with mental and physical problems. There are girls with long tongues, zombies, large and short girls, and transparent girls… Hitomi-sensei’s big eyes save them from the pain of being “different from other people”!! This forbidden new genre brought to you by Comic Ryu is already a hot topic!