【ページ数が多いビッグボリューム版!】祖父と二人で暮らす元気な小学生・ガウェインの夢は、世界一の飛ばし屋になること! 女子プロゴルファー・西野霧亜と出会い、ゴルフの楽しさを知ったガウェインは、世界一のプロゴルファーをめざして上京、霧亜の家に居候することに…。
[Big volume version with many pages! ] Gawain, an energetic elementary school student who lives with his grandfather, dreams of becoming the world’s best skipper! After meeting Kiria Nishino, a female professional golfer, and discovering the joy of golf, Gawain moves to Tokyo with the aim of becoming the world’s best professional golfer, and decides to stay at Kiria’s house.