May 2045. Tsuyoshi Maki, a first-year student at the University of Tokyo, is trying to approach the only clue he has to find out the truth behind his parents’ death: the Department of International Intellectual History at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Tokyo, commonly known as the “Premium” Headquarters (Head Lounge). In order to enter the “Premium” Headquarters, which is under strict security and only accessible to members, one must achieve excellent results in the University of Tokyo entrance exam and be selected as the next member. Tsuyoshi sees Suzuki Katsuhiro as a strong candidate for the next member among the new students, so he approaches Katsuhiro, but he unintentionally behaves rudely and angers Katsuhiro. However, after learning about Tsuyoshi’s situation, Katsuhiro decides to cooperate. The two try to enter the “Premium” Headquarters together, but Tsuyoshi’s parents have a secret that even Tsuyoshi does not know.