イブニング新人賞出身の新しき才能が『美醜』をテーマに描く衝撃作!! 二目と見られぬ醜悪な容貌を持つ少女・累(かさね)。その醜さ故、過酷な道を歩む累に、母が残した一本の口紅。その口紅の力が、虐げられて生きてきた、累の全てを変えていく――。
A shocking work based on the theme of “beauty and ugliness” by a new talent who won the Evening Newcomer Award! ! Kasane is a girl with a hideous appearance that is hard to look at. Because of her ugliness, a lipstick left behind by her mother as she walks a harsh path. The power of that lipstick changes everything about her, who has lived a life of oppression.