昭和元年。胡桃澤家に三女が誕生し、自分の瞳で世の中を見つめ判断するようにとの願いを込めて瞳子と名付けられた。時は流れ、瞳子が15歳になった昭和16年。帝国海軍は米国連合艦隊をハワイ真珠湾にて急襲し、太平洋戦争へと突入する。激動する日本の中で、自分の選んだ人と結婚することを願う瞳子だったが、彼女のそんな気持ちをよそに見合いの話が…。そしてそこでの出会いが、彼女の運命を大きく変えていくことになる!! 戦前から現代まで、時代の流れに翻弄されながらも強く生きた女性たちとその家族を描いた長編ドラマ!
The first year of the Showa era. A third daughter was born to the Kurumizawa family, and she was named Hitoko, expressing her wish that she would look at the world with her own eyes and judge it. Time passes and Hitoko turns 15 in 1944. The Imperial Navy raids the United States Fleet at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, ushering in the Pacific War. In the turbulent world of Japan, Hitoko wishes to marry the person of her choice, but despite her feelings, the story of her arranged marriage… The encounter there will greatly change her destiny!! A full-length drama depicting women and their families who lived strong lives despite being at the mercy of the times, from pre-war times to the present day!