Synopsis: Yoshiharu Morimoto, 52, has been working tirelessly for 30 years since he joined the bank, and is currently a branch manager. A company man, he dreams of returning to the head office, but one day he is asked to be seconded to an affiliated company, and is stunned. Feeling doubts about his life, he decides to take a trip to the Matterhorn in Switzerland in a fit of desperation. There he meets Seiko, an elegant and refined Japanese woman of a certain age. After eating at the hotel restaurant, they decide to continue drinking in his room, but they end up parting awkwardly without knowing each other’s contact details or real name. Unable to suppress his feelings for her, Yoshiharu is spending his days in anguish when one day they meet again in an unexpected place. Their love flares up all at once, but there are many obstacles in the way.