あの世とこの世。彼岸と現世。心と体。過去と未来。行き交う二つの魂を結ぶ者…シャーマン。世界中の魂を束ね、星の行く末を決める王・シャーマンキングとなるため、麻倉葉と仲間の旅路が今、始まる! 武井宏之の一大叙情詩、ついに完全版化! プラスティック透明カバー『憑依装丁』や巻頭キャラクター設定集ほか新規画稿満載!! 最終章380ページ超を描き下ろし、シャーマンファイトはここに完結する!!
The next world and this world. The equinox and this world. mind and body. past and future. A person who connects two souls that come and go…a shaman. The journey of Yo Asakura and his friends to become the Shaman King, the king who unites the souls of the world and decides the fate of the stars, begins now! Hiroyuki Takei’s great lyrical poem is finally in its complete version! Transparent plastic cover “Possession Book” Full of new drawings, including a collection of character settings at the beginning of the book! With over 380 pages of the final chapter, the shaman fight concludes here!!