[Comic Set] YAOI 火宵の月 Kashou no Tsuki 1-7 (of 14 จบ)
化猫集団調伏のために、京から鎌倉に来た稀代の陰陽師・土御門有匡の前に彼の子供を産みたいという金髪紅眼の美しい少年が現れた。少年は両性体の猫・火月と名乗り、変化期が訪れると雌雄どちらにもなれると語るが…!? 二人の恋と鎌倉末期の政変を妖しく織りなす伝奇ロマン。
A beautiful boy with blond hair and red eyes who wants to give birth to his child appears in front of Arimasa Tsuchimikado, a rare Onmyoji who came to Kamakura from Kyoto for the group Shobushi of Bakaneko. The boy calls himself Kazuki, a bisexual cat, and says that when the time of change comes, he can become either male or female…!? A legendary romance that mysteriously weaves together the love between two people and the political upheavals of the late Kamakura period.